Fiberglass insulation continues to prove effective in warming homes.
We have been using fiberglass in our homes and buildings for many years now and the one thing about this product is its consistent in keeping your home warm and it’s also very easy to install. There are other great insulation products on the market but this one is still the number 1 choice due to the price point and it does the job.
What is fiberglass insulation?
If you have ventured up to your attic at any point you have seen what looks like pink fluffy material lining the attic between your joists. This is fiberglass insulation which is used to insulate your home and keep the cold out. The aim of installing this between your homes wall, and under your home is to cut energy costs so you don’t have to have the heating running at full blast in the winter 24 hours a day and the air conditioning unit on full blast in the summer. It is there to trap the warm air and also the cool air making your home sit at a comfortable temperature and retaining that heat or cold air for longer periods of time.
Is fiberglass dangerous?
Fiberglass came about to replace the likes of asbestos which as we all know is dangerous if it’s breathed in. Fiberglass at one point was linked to possible cancer however but after a study conducted by the International Agency on Cancer Research fiberglass was removed from its, “possible that it’s harmful to humans” list back in 2001. If anyone is working with fiberglass then proper safety material is needed as it can be an irritant, but it’s still used in 90% of homes in America and it will continue to be installed for a very long time. So you can have satisfaction in knowing the (IARC) removed it from its possibly carcinogenic to humans list and its considered safe.
How is fiberglass installed?
There are different thickness levels to fiberglass and depending on where you live in the county your R-value will be assessed. Colder places require a thicker insulation and this can be laid in batt form which is the big rolls you sometimes see or blown in, (loose fill). Both are effective in keeping cold out and they achieve what is required.
For more information regarding fiberglass insulation please call us and we will set up an appointment with you to talk about options. Should you choose Cellulose Insulation or Fiberglass Insulation both are great products and our installers will be able to carry the work out with no problems at all.